Question & Answer » GK Questions » What is a Caste Certificate? Where is the Caste Certificate Number located?

What is a Caste Certificate? Where is the Caste Certificate Number located?

Answer: We all know that if a child is born, it is necessary to make all the official documents for identity purposes. In the same way, a Caste Certificate is prepared. A caste certificate is defined as the proof of the caste, religion or tribe to which an individual belongs to. It is a type of certificate that is needed to prepare other government documents. In our country, there are people who belong to various castes that are associated with different religions. The caste certificate helps in identifying the caste to which a citizen belongs like General, Scheduled caste, Scheduled tribe and other backward categories. 

The Government of India initiated this law for the people of backward classes to open up and join all the programs that the forward class would do. So, they get special encouragement and opportunities to progress at the same pace as other citizens in society. 

According to the Constitution of India, there exist special privileges provided to this category of people, such as reservation of seats. These reservations can be seen in the Legislatures, government services, and concessions of fees during the admissions to the school and colleges. Reservation quotas are also granted in educational institutions and relaxation of the upper age limit while applying for certain jobs and competitive examinations. 

The possession of a valid caste certificate is required as evidence for proving their candidature when it comes to availing of these privileges and schemes granted by the Government of India. So, it is important for citizens of backward classes to get a caste certificate. Articles 341 and 342 were notified for the first time under the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 and the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950. These orders were granted to the people of the backward class and these orders came into force on October 29th 1956. The caste certificate number is located in the left-hand corner at the bottom of a valid caste certificate.