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What do You Mean by Coming Together Federation

What do you mean by the term coming together federation? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customised for students.

Q. What do you mean by the term coming together federation? 

Answer:- A federation is a political element characterised by a union or a self-governing state, region or province under the central federal government. In a federation, the self-governing region or state, the division of power between them and the central governing state is constituted rooted and might not be varied by a unilateral decision. It is said that federal states where the central government has overriding powers are not entirely federal states. For example, overriding powers such as 

  • Having the constitutional authority to suspend a state government by mismanagement. 
  • Or it can adopt national legislation that overrides the powers of the federal state by soliciting the central government’s constitutional authority. 

A federation often occurs from a preliminary agreement between many separated states. The purpose of the federation and coming together can be to solve mutual problems faced by the states and for mutual defence. In the federal government, there are two or more levels of government. The state government is not inferior to the central government. The federal states have their powers. They are not answerable to the central government. 

A coming together federation is a type of federation in which all the independent states come together to form a large unit of the federation. In this federation, there is equal distribution of power. All the states are under the central government and follow the regulations of the central government. All the constituent units have equal power.

Coming together federation is formed by the independent states coming together to increase security, consolidate their sovereignty and retain their identity. Examples of the coming together are the USA, Switzerland and Australia. All the coming together generation states have strong relations between them and the federal government. Coming together in a federation also ensures the development of the country and spreads equality within all states. All the states are treated equally.