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What are the Main Causes Of Urbanisation?

What are the main causes of urbanisation? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customised for learners.

Answer: People aspire to move from rural to urban areas for a variety of reasons, including economic, political, and social difficulties as well as the effects of modernity. There are several causes of urbanisation.

  • Industrial Development: Another aspect of urbanisation is the explosion of manufacturing and industrialization inside a particular urban region, which creates more employment opportunities.
  • Employment: Agriculture is a frequent industry in rural areas. Opportunities for jobs that pay more are more diverse, and possibly need less physical effort are made possible by urbanisation and industrial expansion.
  • Social Factors: Many urban regions have better standards of living, including better healthcare, more modern housing, and more recreational opportunities.
  • Economic Issues: Because a region of the world is typically not as economically stable or prosperous, many individuals may decide to migrate from there.