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What are the Main Causes of the French Revolution?

Question: What re the Main causes of the French Revolution?

Answer: Here are the main causes of the french revolution –  

  1. Weak Ruling abilities of Louis  XVI – He became the ruler of the french in the year 1774, the moment he took the command – the economy elapsed , he raised taxes for his personal luxuries and the lower classes had to suffer the outcome. The feudal system was also disturbed under his rule. 
  2. Raise In Prices and Famine Due to an increase in prices and demand, to acquire the bare minimum food resources, it was difficult for the lower and middle classes to buy food which led to famines in big numbers. 
  3. The era of Enlightenment: As the other countries were becoming intellectual and were entering the era of enlightenment, many scholars and philosophers inspired the Frenchmen to crave freedom and start a revolution.