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What are the main causes of earthquakes?

What are the leading causes of earthquakes? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customized for learners.

Answer: A quick release of stress along faults in the earth’s crust causes earthquakes. Although the tectonic plates are constantly moving slowly, the friction causes them to become impermeable at their borders.

An earthquake occurs when the conflict on edge is defeated by the stress there. The subsequent seismic waves travel through the ground and its surface, producing the trembling we associate with earthquakes. 

As for the primary causes of earthquakes:

  • The majority of earthquakes in the world are attributed to plate tectonics, which typically causes them along tectonic plate boundaries
  • Induced earthquakes are brought on by human action, such as building tunnels, filling reservoirs, or carrying out geothermal or fracking projects
  • Volcanic quakes: They are linked to volcanism that is currently active
  • Collapse quakes: These earthquakes can be caused by events like cave-ins, which are typically caused by subsidence in karst regions or close to mining operations