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What are the five names of India?

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Answer: India Arya Varta, Tenjiku, Bharat, Hindustan, and Al-Hind are the five names.Bharat: Bharat word comes from ‘Bharata,’ the Sanskrit word. It refers to ‘Agni’ (fire). Additionally, Bharat was the son of Shakuntala and Dushyant. He was one of the most famous emperors in India.The word Aryavarta arose from Sanskrit. It referred to the culture of the Aryan people. It bespeaks the land of Indo-Aryans people.   The Persian people initially gave the word Hindustan in the seven-century. It refers to the land of the Hindu region around the Ganga and Bengal.The name Tenjiku was  give to India by some people of Asia. It adverts for the domain of the heavenly center.