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What are the different types of party systems?

What are the different types of party systems? Find the answer to this question and access the vast question bank that is customised for learners.

Answer: Party system are broadly classified into three categories namely

  • Two-party

A two-party system is one in which the two biggest political parties regularly control the political scene. This one offers many times the representation of the majority while forming the government.

  • Multiparty

In terms of politics, a multi-party system is one in which various political parties from various political spectrums participate in national elections and have the potential to win control of the government, either individually or by coalition.

This condition arises for the majority when there is very low chance of winning of any one single party as well as opposition is much stronger.

  • Single party 

A single political party has the exclusive power to form the government in a one-party state, also known as a single-party system, one-party state, or single-party state. These states are typically founded on the existing constitution.