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What are Planetary Winds?

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Answer: The Planetary winds are the blows from high to low-pressure belts in the exact order throughout the year. They fritter over an extensive location of oceans and continents. They are polar easterlies, easterly, and westerlies.

Easterlies: The Easterlies of winds that fritter from subtropical high-pressure belts locations towards tropical low-pressure locations are named trade or easterly winds. As the easterly winds overlook to blow specifically from the east, they are likewise known as the Tropical easterlies.

Westerlies: The Westerlies winds that shift poleward from the subtropical high force in the Northern Hemisphere are searched to the right and thus fritter from the southwest. After this, it’s in the Southern Hemisphere and is deflected to the left and fritter from the northwest. Consequently, these Westerlies’ winds are named westerlies.

Polar Easterlies: Polar easterlies fritter from opposite areas towards sub-polar low-pressure areas.