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What are Cooperative Sector Industries?

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What are Cooperative Sector Industries?

Answer: Industries in the cooperative sector are run and controlled by a small group. The members generally are the ones who produce raw materials. Some examples of these industries include handloom, food processing, and dairy products. These industries are operated and owned by the suppliers or producers of raw materials, employees or both.

The Types of Cooperatives are:

  • Producer Cooperatives.

  • Worker Cooperatives.

  • Consumer Cooperatives.

  • Retail or Purchasing Cooperatives.

  • Social Cooperatives.


  • Industries in the cooperative sector are controlled and owned by a small group of people who are either the producers or the suppliers of materials for raw employees. Examples include sugar production in Maharashtra and the industry for coins in Kerala. Anand Milk Union Limited and Sudha Dairy are two instances of cooperative sector industries.

  • Cooperative sector companies are run and controlled by a group of individuals. In general, the members are the ones who produce raw materials. Some examples of these industries include handloom, food processing, and dairy products. Amul is a model of a cooperative sector society.

  • They are operated and owned by the manufacturers or suppliers for raw materials, employees or both. The resources are shared among stakeholders, and profits and losses are divided equally. AMUL, which is a milk cooperative, is an excellent illustration. Sugar production located in Maharashtra is another instance.

Cooperative sectors or industries are run by the owners or the suppliers of raw materials, employees or both. They share the resources and profits or losses according to a proportional basis, like that of the industry for sugar in Maharashtra and the coir industry in Kerala.