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What are all the Type of Government?

What are all the types of government? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customised for learners.

Answer: There are different types of government around the world; some of them are –

  • Democracy – A democracy is a system of government where the populace elects its leaders. The main objective is to ensure just representation while preventing abuses of authority
  • Communism – Communism is a centralised system of government that is frequently authoritarian and is run by a single party
  •  Socialism – Socialism is a political system that promotes citizen collaboration over competitiveness. While a centralised government oversees it, citizens collectively own the means of production and distribution of commodities and services
  • Oligarchy – Governments known as oligarchies are those in which a group controls a whole country. A select number of individuals are given authority by a predetermined set of characteristics, including income, heredity, and race
  • Aristocracy – The criteria used to select aristocrats include a person’s education, upbringing, and genetic or family history. Wealth and ethnicity are frequently associated with the capacity and legitimacy to rule in aristocracies
  • Colonialism – Resources are frequently exploited, and indigenous communities are ruled over due to colonialism. The coloniser often imposes its political structure, economy, and cultural norms to increase its power
  • Military dictatorship – A country with one ultimate power and no democratic process is said to be under military rule. Typically, the head of state ascends to power during upheavals, such as high unemployment or civil unrest. They typically command the country’s armed forces, using them to impose their particular brand of law and order and repress the rights of the populace