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What is the Value of the Prime Meridian?

Here we will learn about the value of Prime Meridian and its importance. Tap to know more about such interesting topics.

Answer: The value of the prime meridian is 0°.

It is the value of the prime meridian.

Any line of longitude or meridian is at 0° (0 degrees) longitude.

The meridian is a line of longitude. The prime meridian is located on the geographic organize framework.

The longitude of the meridian is represented to be 0°. It is a line at which the prime meridian is located on the 0° longitude.

You can easily find out whether the prime meridian is 0 or 180 degrees. Its beginning point for measuring the Earth’s distance both west and east.

The prime meridian is random, representing that it could be determined to be anywhere. So, the value of the prime meridian is 0°.