Question & Answer » GK Questions » The Eastern and the Westernmost Longitude in Degrees of the Indian Mainland is ________.

The Eastern and the Westernmost Longitude in Degrees of the Indian Mainland is ________.

Question: The Eastern and the Westernmost Longitude in Degrees of the Indian Mainland is ________.

Answer: The imaginative reference lines that run from the North pole to the South pole and help to locate the places more precisely are known as longitudes.

 The easternmost longitude of the Indian mainland as measured in degrees is 97° 25’ E and the westernmost longitude of the Indian mainland as measured in degrees is 68° 7’ E and they are positioned in the states of Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat respectively. Since the longitudinal extent of India is as large as 29°, significant differences in the local times of the places located on the extremes of India are observed. This difference in local time is around 2 hours as the difference in time between each two longitudes is around 4 minutes.