Question & Answer » GK Questions » The Commercial Sources of Energy are _____.

The Commercial Sources of Energy are _____.

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Question: The Commercial Sources of Energy Are _______.

Answer: Energy has an extended range of applications and uses that make life easier for individuals.  The fundamentals of knowing about the energy type and its uses and the query of which type of energy is viable to the common masses are essential for creating a sense of general understanding and having a knowledge of which types of energy requires the need of important save and replenishment. 

Primarily according to the basic benefits of common masses there are two types of energy sources that are commercial and non-commercial sources of energy. Non-commercial energy sources are referred to as those reserves which are available to the common people as a matter of non-price commodities. 

On the other hand, the commercial reserves of energy are those energy forms that are available to the users at a specific rate or price. Examples of commercial energy reserves or types are primarily electricity, coal, petroleum products, etc. The role of commercial sources of energy is very vital as they are primarily applicable for the generation of power or electricity in industrial,  manufacturing, and cultivation fields and affect the commercial aspect of a nation’s development of regions along with the globe.