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State the Arguments Against Democracy.

State the arguments against democracy. - Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customised for students.

Answer: A democracy is a form of government where people have the authority and power to decide their governing officials. The government is decided by the law of the majority and the control is divided amongst the people. Leaders are selected by a voting process held by an election. 

Arguments against Democracy

  • Instability- Change in the leaders can bring instability to the government
  • Delays in decision making- the selection of the leaders is a lengthy process because it requires the consultation of many people and it leads to delays in the process of decision making
  • The candidates for authority get busy in the games of power and politics to look after the genuine requirements of the people
  • Lack of awareness- democracy is a form of government where people rule themselves. There could be a lack of knowledge among the people of a country as to what exactly is going on in their country’s politics and what is best for them
  • Unfair elections- Free and fair elections are not always conducted. Vote banks are generated, hampering the beauty of a democracy where the power lies with the people of a country
  • Imperfect representative- sometimes the right representative is not elected in a democracy. The whole system of democracy becomes ineffective when the lack of education of the people leads to the selection of the wrong candidate for them
  • Heavy costs- the system of electing a representative in democracy is an expensive affair as a lot of money goes into holding elections on a regular basis
  • Majority party rule- candidates are elected based on the majority party rule where the party getting the maximum votes wins an election. The number of people not voting for that party is not taken into consideration
  • The absence of transparency and accountability is sometimes observed in a democracy. A Lack of proper checks and balances can lead to the transfer of power to only one part of the government which can further lead to corruption as well