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Name Two Regions Rich in Natural Gas Resources.

Name two regions rich in natural gas resources? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customized for students.

Question. Name two regions rich in natural gas resources.

Answer: The two regions rich in natural gas resources are Russia and the United States.

Natural gas is a fossil fuel that is mainly composed of methane. It’s the cleanest burning fossil fuel and is also the most cost-efficient. It’s estimated that there are around 1,000 trillion cubic meters of natural gas on Earth. This means that there are enough natural gas resources to sustain our energy needs for about 100 years.

The United States is the world’s largest natural gas producer. The US has been the world’s largest natural gas producer since 2009. The US is also the world’s third-largest producer of dry natural gas and the second-largest producer of pipeline-quality liquid fuels like ethane, propane, and butane. The United States has been producing natural gas for over 100 years. In recent years, production in the US has increased due to new technology that allows for more efficient extraction and improved exploration techniques in shale formations. Russia is also a significant player in this field as it exports large amounts of raw materials to Europe and Asia. Russia exports about 10% of its natural gas production to European countries like Germany, Poland, Italy, France, and Turkey.