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Name the Three Organs of the Government

Name the three organs of the government and what are their functions? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Answer: When a government is formed in a democratic country, it enforces laws but to make sure that all things are running smoothly, the government gets the aid of these three organs which keep stability, harmony, and unity in the democracy.

The three main organs of the Government are-

  1. Legislature.
  2. Executive.
  3. Judiciary.

The basic nature of these organs is to work under the formed government and bridge the gap by maintaining peace between the civilians and the government. On a very primary note, the function of them are –

  • Legislature: The Legislative organ is responsible for the creation of the laws or the set of rules. The power of the legislature is in the hands of the Parliament. They make the laws, vote, and pass them to exercise. Once this process of deliberation and analysis is done the discussed verdict goes to the branch of the executive for implementation. 
  • Executive: The Executive body follows the order given by the legislature and executes the law created by the legislature. The body also deals with the usual and regular matters of the bureaucracy of the respective states. The Executive system enforces the law to be followed and guards the same. 
  • Judiciary: The organ of the Judiciary or the Judicial system grants punishment to the ones who violate the law or go against it. It is a union and the sole working body.

Under the judicial system the courts and the justice systems are counted.

These three organs of the government, together perform the idea of the government, protect the law and maintain harmony and also make sure all the affairs of the state are in order. Here the Constitution ensures that everything runs in coordination so that there is no commotion or traffic.