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Name the Largest Delta in the World

Name the largest Delta in the world. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Question. Name the largest Delta in the world.

Answer: The Delta formed by the Ganges and the Brahmaputra rivers is the biggest Delta on the planet. The region around the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers is sometimes referred to as the Bengal Delta, the Sunder ban Delta, or the Ganges Delta. This enormous Delta is formed by the country’s three most significant rivers: the Ganga, the Brahmaputra, and the Megna.

The Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta is distinguished by the following characteristics: 

  • It is situated in India, with a portion also extending into Bangladesh, on the continent of Asia
  • According to the latitude and longitude, the precise position is found to be 23°06′ North and 90°21′ East
  • This Delta takes up an area that is roughly 105641 km2 if that helps
  • A total of eight river mouths contribute to the formation of this Delta
  • The Delta’s major urban centers, which include Kolata and Dhaka, are Dhaka and Kolata
  • Together, these three rivers are responsible for the drainage of a catchment area that is approximately 1.72 million km2 and is located on the southern edge of the Himalayas
  • It is the most productive agricultural region on the entire planet
  • Approximately two-thirds of the Delta can be found in Bangladesh, while the other third can be found in the Indian state of West Bengal
  • The breadth of the Delta is approximately 350 kilometers long when measured along the shore
  • There are approximately 250 kilometers of distance between the confluence of the Brahmaputra and the Ganges and the shoreline