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Name the Hemisphere in Which India Lies.

Name the hemisphere in which India lies? Find the answer to this question customized for students.

Question. Name the hemisphere in which India lies

Answer: Hemispheres are the two halves of earth that are visible on the globe. The four major hemispheres are northern, southern, eastern, and western. India lies in the north and eastern hemispheres. India lies completely north of the equator and east of the prime meridian (Greenwich line). According to this positioning, it lies in the northern and eastern hemispheres. According to the latitude, the position of India on earth is at 8°4’N and 34°6’N. Similarly, the longitudinal part of India is at 68°7’E and 97°25’E. In terms of the hemisphere, in the northern hemisphere, India lies latitudinally, and in the eastern hemisphere, it lies longitudinally.