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Name the Group of Islands lying in the Arabian Sea.

Question: Name the Group of Islands lying in the Arabian Sea.

Answer: Lakshadweep Islands 

Note: The Lakshadweep Islands is the name of the group of islands lying in the Arabian Sea. It is an archipelago. The 38 islands are included in the groups of islands that lie in the Arabian Sea. These are disseminated over a zone of approximately 78000 sq km of the Arabian Sea.

Despite this, the Arabian Sea is a specific area of the northern Indian ocean. It is generally bounded in the north by Pakistan, the Gulf of Oman, and Iran.

The name of the group of islands is known as an archipelago. But many times it is named as an island chain, island group, collection of islands, chain, cluster, and occasionally the sea including a little number of dispersed islands.

Piram Island is in the Arabian Sea.  

Facts about the Arabian Sea

The Arabian sea is located in the northern Indian Ocean. It is bounded by the Irad, north by Pakistan, and the Gulf of Oman.

Following are the facts are given below about the Arabian Sea:

  • The Arabian Sea geographically and historically has been referred to by a lot of names

  • It is given by European geographers, travelers, and Arabians

  • These names are the Persian Sea, Indian sea,  Erythraean Sea, and Oman sea 

  • Moreover, the Arabian sea is situated in the Indian Ocean 

  • It is the biggest sea in the world. It is economically most crucial due to the existence of immense oil fields in Arabia

  • The sea is also famous for its naturally dry climate along the Western coast and it’s too famous for its deep or long sea highways, undersea ridges, and free islands

So, these are the crucial facts about the Arabian sea.