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Name the Factors Influencing Agriculture

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Question. Name the Factors influencing Agriculture

Answer: There are factors such as Political, Social, Natural, Economic and Irrigation.

  1. Natural factors comprise of

(a) climate, which includes temperature and precipitation

(b) Topography—effort Man can alter most of these variables to some extent. Man, for example, transports water to areas where there is little rain or fertilises soil that is lacking in plant nourishment. He will adjust his farm to situations that he cannot overcome if required.

(c) Soil 

  1. Economic

Market: The prevailing conditions in the market can hinder agricultural produce sometimes. The demand and supply factors play a vital role in this. 

Labour: The shortage of labour can hinder agricultural produce to a major extent. 

  1. Social Factors: Social factors have a variety of effects on farming. Shifting cultivation, subsistence farming, intensive cereal agriculture, mixed farming, and other types of farming are all linked to regional socioeconomic structures. The sort of crops planted can also be influenced by social factors. 
  1. Political Influences: Political factors are also important in the growth of agriculture. The design of agriculture is determined by the political system, which might be capitalistic, communist, or socialist. Agriculture in some nations is completely controlled by the government
  1. Irrigation: The fifth factor is the availability of water for irrigation purposes. Many countries have little or no rain at all during certain seasons of the year. Therefore, they need irrigation systems so that they can grow crops regardless of rainfall patterns (National Research Council).