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Name the Capital of Madhya Pradesh

Name the Capital of Madhya Pradesh. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is particularly customised for students.

Question. Name the capital of Madhya Pradesh 

Answer: The name of the capital of Madhya Pradesh is Bhopal. Bhopal district has its name derived from Bhojpal or Bhoj Dam. There is a great dam in the city, which holds the Bhopal city lake. It was built by the Minister of Bhoj Raj, Paramar, the ruler of Dhar. Also, the name Bhopal is derived from Bhupala, who was a king.

Why is Bhopal so famous? 

The capital city Bhopal is surrounded by beauty and old charm. It is known as the City of Lakes. There are various artificial and natural lakes all over the city. So it is one of the greener cities in India. Madhya Pradesh is in central India. That makes Bhopal connected to all sides of India. It holds great importance in history and politics.