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How Would You Explain the Rise of Napoleon.

How Would You Explain the Rise of Napoleon. - Find out the customised answer to this question and many more.

Answer: The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the most divisive emperors in the history, can be explained as following:

  1. In 1804, he crowned himself as the emperor of France.
  2. He went about overcoming the other neighboring countries of Europe using force to make the rulers give away their dynasties and growing kingdoms where he located his family members.
  3. Napoleon regarded himself to be the one who could streamline modernization in Europe.
  4. He enacted a number of laws inclusive of private property protection and introduction of a uniform system of weights and measures provided by the decimal system.
  5. But unfortunately, the rise of his power was short-lived as the battle of Waterloo marked his defeat in the year 1815.