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How many years did the British Rule India?

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Answer: The total number of years that the British ruled India comes out to approximately 89 years. After the battle of Plassey in 1757, the British established their dominance, which is also referred to as colonialism, in India. Before the British crown took control of India, the British East India Company did.

In the year 1600, the British Company that would later bear its name was founded with the primary intention of specialising in the trade of spices originating in the East Indies (India).

Additionally, the nation maintained a foothold in several European colonies, including those of the Portuguese, Dutch, French, and Danish. The rule of the British Crown on the Indian subcontinent is referred to as the British Raj

This type of rule in India is also referred to as the crown rule in India or direct rule in India. Beginning in 1858 and continuing until India and Pakistan attained their respective independence in 1947, the British ruled India.