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How does Democracy Improve the Quality of Decision-Making?

Question. How does Democracy Improve the Quality of Decision-Making? 

Answer: In a democratic form of government decisions are made by consultation and discussion. Many people are involved in the process of decision making. 

Mistakes are easier to point out when many people put their heads together to reach a decision in a democratic form of government. It delays the process of decision making but important decisions are made with careful deliberation in a democratic form of government. 

The chances of rash and irresponsible decisions are reduced when decisions are taken with the help of people. It improves the quality of decision-making. 

Differences and conflicts are easier to deal with in a democracy. It helps keep a country together where people come from different diversities and backgrounds. There are a lot of opinions and interests in a democratic environment. 

Decision-making by giving power to the people helps prevent a clash of different opinions and interests. No one is a permanent winner or loser in a democracy. Leaders are changed with time and better policies are introduced with time. 

The Democratic form of government also gives time to the people in power to work on their mistakes and make better decisions every time a new leader is elected. Leaders are elected from the pool of people of the country therefore they directly relate to the people and are able to understand their needs and feelings. 

Leaders represent these feelings and needs in front of the parliament meetings to make decisions according to them. Quality decisions are made keeping in mind the necessary requirements of the people of a country. 

The decisions made are transparent in a democracy. The process of making these decisions is fair and just as people’s point of view is taken into consideration.

The leaders making decisions in a democracy are well informed because they embrace the majority rule which leads to an effective decision-making process.