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How are Maps more Useful than Globes?

How are maps more useful than globes? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customised for learners.

Question. How are Maps more useful than Globes?

Answer: The map refers to graphical earth’s representation published through books, although globes are maps prepared on spherical material. Maps are usually found more useful by the students as they will provide minute detail that is absent in globes. The technique of zooming into regions through globes is also missing as they only showcase the continents and countries in broad contexts. 

Globes are generally used to provide an overview of the earth, information like how it spins, how days and nights are formed and others. The maps will cover each area more profoundly, whether big or small, hence providing ease of accessing information. If you want to access or read about minute parts of more than one region, then maps will be more useful as they will provide a detailed study of landscapes, river bodies and others.