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Golden Fibre Refers to?

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Question. Golden fibre refers to _____________.

Answer:  Jute


The golden fibre is commonly called jute. Because of its shiny brown colour, it is known as “ancient fibre.”  The fibre price is reasonable for all customers, and microbes in the environment can completely break it down. The term “economic plant” can also be applied to this plant.

The Constituent Parts of Jute

  1. Lignin is the name given to a group of organic polymers that are extremely complex.

  2. Lignin and cellulose are the two primary biochemical components that makeup jute fibres.

  3. The length of a jute fibre can range anywhere from one to four metres in length.

  4. Cellulose is a type of organic polysaccharide made up of a straight-chain (linear chain) of hundreds or thousands of D-glucose molecules linked to each other. Cellulose can be thought of as a complex sugar.

Jute fibre and its defining characteristics

  1. Affordable to many people due to its low cost and economic viability.

  2. It is shiny in its natural state.

  3. Customers place a significant value on the product’s extended length.

  4. In comparison to other types of fibres, it possesses a gentle character.

  5. The uniformity and commercial viability of the entire length of just fibre are increased.

  6. Because of its predominance in various applications and its golden hue, jute is also known as the golden fibre.

Various applications for jute fibre

  1. It is utilised in the production of matting as well as twine.

  2. When jute is combined with sugar, the resulting substance can be used to make aeroplane parts.

  3. Utilised in the manufacturing of sacks and other types of fabric

  4. Manufacturing of rugs and carpets.

  5. Utilised in the process of making rope.

  6. The use of jute fibre can aid in the prevention of soil erosion.

  7. When producing hessian cloth, this is a necessary step.