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Give the Importance of Longitudes and Latitudes.

Give the Importance of Longitudes and Latitudes. - Find out the customised answer to this question and many more upon enrolling.

Answer: Latitudes aid in identifying and pinpointing the earth’s primary heat zones.

Latitude measures the distance from the equator to the north and south poles.

It also allows us to Understand the circulation of wind patterns on the earth’s surface. Latitudes allow us to determine the distance of any location from the Equator, which is dependent on its latitude degree.

Longitude measures the distance from the prime meridian to the west on Earth. Both of them allow us to measure location and time using a single metric. Longitude and latitude lines allow us to measure the distance from the Earth’s Equator.

They enable us to locate any point on Earth. These are the coordinates that the Global Positioning System (GPS) uses.