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Give Some Examples of Universal Truth.

Give some examples of Universal Truth. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question customized for students.

Answer: truths or facts refer to those undeniable statements or facts which are universally accepted by everyone and they do not change with change in time, place, situation, and so on. They are not based on imaginations believed by everyone without raising any question or doubt. They are always written in present indefinite form and never changed into past form as they will continue to hold true and it would be illogical to do so.

Some Examples of Universal truths are:

1. Human being is mortal

Now this statement is a universal truth as the life of humans on the earth is transitory and all are destined to die one day. No human can survive till the end of time and hence it is a universal truth.

2. One plus one equals to two

Now this is practical mathematics that if one is added to one, it becomes two and nobody can challenge it.

3. Water is essential for survival

This is true in absolute terms that all the forms of life are dependent on water. It is necessary for survival and proper functioning of the living beings and hence there exists no situation when this natural science statement doesn’t hold to be true practically.

4. H2O is the chemical formula of water

Now it is a scientific fact that every atom of water is formed from two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen that cannot be changed.

All these examples that are stated above are universal truths because they are applicable universally. They are not based on any imagination rather logic, observations and experiments and hence they cannot be contradicted.