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Give an account about the Northern Plains of India.

Question. Give an account of the Northern Plains of India.

Answer: The Northern Plains are isolated by the chain Frontal Fault and lie towards the south of Shivalik. This southern part may be a wavy and unpredictable line of ground in India. The fields are lined by the Purvanchal slopes. These northern fields are made by interactions of the three prime stream frameworks the Indus, the Ganga and thus the river Brahmaputra aboard their feeders. Northern Plains are distributed into 3 areas as-

  • Ganga Plains

This plain stretches between Ghaggar and Teesta streams. It touches Haryana, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and a little of Jharkhand, particularly in the state lies the Brahmaputra River plain. Jharkhand and the area to its eastern province in the state lie in the Brahmaputra River plain. Ganga plains are the most important unit of the good plain of India extending from the urban.

  • Brahmaputra Plains

The Brahmaputra River is famous for its low slope of the locale which is riverine islands and sandbars. Its west limit is framed by the Indo- Bangladesh line still because of the lower Ganga plain. Its gap is formed by the slopes of Purvanchal. The feeders alter several channels of transportation for the waterway prompting the system of bill and bull bow. The Ganga- Brahmaputra delta is the most important delta on the earth.

  • Punjab Plains

‘The land of 5 glasses of water’ in the real sense implies the Punjab plains. The attendant streams are the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej and Beas. It rises around 250m on top of the mean ocean level. South of Saltuj stream, there is a Malwa plain of Punjab. The Shivalik Hills at the northern part of the plain have been disintegrated by streams like Chos. The Punjab fields were formed by Indus and its feeders. The RechNa Doab is the part that isolates Punjab plain