Question & Answer » GK Questions » Find the Day of the Week on 26 January 1950.

Find the Day of the Week on 26 January 1950.

Find the Day of the Week on 26 January 1950.- Find out the customised answer to this question and many more upon enrolling.

Answer: odd days mean more than complete weeks

So, the number of odd days in 400, 800, 1200, 1600, and 2000 years are 0

Thus, the number of odd days in the first 1600 years is 0

In the upcoming next 300 years number of odd days= 1

In 49 years, number of odd days= (12*2 + 37*1) = 61 days = 5 odd days

In 1949 years, the number of odd days = 1+5 =6 odd days

In the year 1950

Jan 26 =26 days

= 3 weeks + 5 days = 5 odd days

Total number of odd days = 6 + 5 = 11 => 4 odd days

Odd days

0= Sunday

1= Monday

2 = Tuesday

3 = Wednesday

4 = Thursday

5 = Friday

6 = Saturday

Therefore, on 26 January 1950 it was Thursday