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Explain the Principle of Scalar Chain.

Explain the Principle of Scalar Chain.-Find out the customised answer to this question and many more upon enrolling.

Answer: The scalar chain is introduced by the fayol, for the management in the organization. According to the fayol, every organization or company must have a chain of authority that moves from top to bottom. 

The administration department of the organization will remain at the top; after that, the executive department comes, and the department of subordinates lies at the bottom. 

  • This chain of authority is important for distributing the various designations in the organization
  • The scalar chain in organizations is also helpful in facilitating effective communication within the firm’s internal environment
  • The scalar chain is an effective way of distributing the individual according to their skills and qualities
  • A skilled person gets a designation at the top, while an unskilled person gets at the bottom