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Explain Lenin’s April Theses.

Explain Lenin's April Theses.-Find out the customised answer to this question and many more upon enrolling.

Answer: Russia saw the downfall of its monarchy in February 1917. The Bolshevik leader, Lenin returned to Russia after his exile in April 1917. He urged the Soviets to take over the power after his return. 

The demands made by the Bolshevik leader, Lenin, for the takeover of Russia are known as Lenin’s April Theses. 

Three demands were put forward by Lenin, comprising of-

  1. The first world war was to be put to an end. 

  2. Transfer of land to the peasants. 

  3. Nationalisation of banks. 

With Lenin back in power, banks were nationalised in November 1917, the land was declared social property and peasants were allowed to seize the land of the noble. This led to the peace made by the Bolsheviks with Germany.