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Distinguish between Local time and Standard time

Distinguish between local time and standard time. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question customized for students.

Answer: Before moving to the find or distinguish between local time and standard time it is important to understand the meaning of local time and standard time. Local Time: The calculation of local time takes place based on the motion of the sun. Standard Time: On the other hand, the setting of the standard time happens based upon the time set by that particular country for various locations. There happens to be variation in the local time. The variation is based upon the longitude. This does not happen in the case of the standard time. The standard time always remains constant for a given set of places or locations. There is also the difference in local standards based on several other factors. The various factors include the following – the factors longitude, precision, measuring, and so on. Difference between local time and standard time.
Local time Standard time
It is the time of a particular place or a given set of places are bounded together These consists of a fixed set of time for the places that happen to be under same meridian
This varies with the variation in longitude It remains constant for a place or country