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Discuss the Major Reasons for Poverty in India

Discuss the major reasons for poverty in India. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customised for students.

Answer: Growth in the Population

The population has increased at a rate of 2.2% over the last 45 years. consumer demand rises by 17 million people a year as a result of population growth.

Low Agriculture Productivity

Agricultural productivity is reduced by factors such as illiteracy, outdated cultivation methods, and lack of capital. The country’s poverty can be attributed solely to this factor.

Growth in the Short Term

This country’s economic growth rate is a long way short of what is necessary. there is still a discrepancy between the supply of goods and services and the demand for them. There is an increase in poverty as a result of this.


Increases in prices exacerbate poverty. few people have benefited, and those with low incomes are struggling to meet their basic needs.


Poverty in India is largely due to high rates of unemployment. more people want jobs than are available.

Factors that affect People’s Lives

Our country’s social structure is making it hard for it to grow and change. inheritance law, Caste, or other rigid traditions and practices make it even harder to make progress.


There is no doubt about it: the East India Company was directly responsible for India’s unequal development and colonisation. for their own profit, they exploited India’s natural resources. since the country’s independence, political considerations have played a major role in the development of its infrastructure

Unequal Distribution of Money

The reduction of our nation’s poverty will not result from an increase in either production or population. We need to keep an eye on income disparity and wealth inequality.