Question & Answer » GK Questions » Differentiate Between National and Regional Parties

Differentiate Between National and Regional Parties

Answer: The differences are:

National parties

Regional parties

The quality standards that are required for regional accreditation are typically higher than those required for national accreditation

There is a possibility that institutions with national accreditation still offer rigorous and high-quality programmes, but institutions with regional accreditation are required to adhere to stricter quality standards

Parties at the national level wield significant influence in the country and focus on problems of national scope

Because the influence of regional parties is confined to a particular area or state, those parties are only concerned with the concerns and requirements of the area in which they operate

The actions of national parties give priority to nationally significant issues over regionally significant ones

The operations of regional parties are confined to the nation or state in which they operate, and they focus primarily on matters that are specific to that area