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Define Primary Activities with Examples

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Define Primary Activities with Examples

Answer: Primary activities are inextricably linked to the environment since they involve the use of natural resources such as land, water, plants, building materials, and minerals. Hunting and gathering, pastoral activities, fishing, forestry, agriculture, mining and quarrying are all included. The primary sector of the economy is concerned with the production of goods from natural resources.

In developing countries, the primary sector is the one that is ahead of the other sectors.Due to the nature of their profession, people who engage in primary activities are referred to as red-collar employees.

Hunting and Gathering

Primitive communities relied on wild animals for survival. Hunting was the only way for people living in severely cold and extremely hot climates to survive. People who live near the coast catch fish. Early hunters used stones, twigs, and arrows as primitive tools. In today’s world, gathering has become commercialised and market-oriented.Gatherers gather valuable plants such as leaves, tree barks, and medicinal herbs, which they then process and sell in the market. They use several components of the trees, such as the bark for quinine and tannin extract, and cork leaves for beverages, medications, cosmetics, fibres, thread, and fabrics; nuts for food and oils; and the tree trunk for rubber, batata, gums, and resins.

Commercial Stock Rearing

Commercial cattle farming is more organised and requires more capital. On permanent ranches, it is practised. Only one sort of animal is reared in this specialised occupation. Sheep, cattle, goats, and horses are all important animals. Meat, wool, hides, and skin are processed and packed in a methodical manner and exported to a variety of international markets. Animal rearing is a difficult task in ranching based on scientific principles The focus is mostly on breeding and genetics improvement, disease control, and animal health care.