Question & Answer » GK Questions » A Set of Rules that Governs Data Communication is called

A Set of Rules that Governs Data Communication is called

Q. A set of rules that governs data communication is called……?

A set of rules that governs data communication is called a protocol. The following properties of a network are governed by these rules: access method, permissible physical topologies, cabling kinds, and data transfer speed. 

A transmitting computer, for example, could send data in 8-bit packets while the receiving computer expects 16-bit packets if there is no protocol in place. International or industry-wide groups establish protocols. Protocols are established by international or industry-wide organisations. 

Perhaps the most important computer protocol is OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), a set of guidelines for implementing networking communications between computers. Among the most important sets of Internet protocols are TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), HTTPS (Secure HyperText Transmission Protocol), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), and DNS (Domain Name System).

Layers of Protocol 

A network is organised into seven tiers according to the OSI reference model (a protocol stack). Each layer has the ability to communicate with the receiving station’s matching layer. Word processors, databases, and web browsers are examples of applications.

1. Physical Layer – It contains rules for dealing with hardware like voltages, bit rates, and frequencies, among other things and is generally composed of Network Interface Cards (NICs), Repeaters, and Hubs. 

2. The Data-Link Layer- It sends and receives data in the form of frames. The data-link layer can check for errors and control the rate at which data flows. 

3. The network layer- Is responsible for handling addresses and message or packet routing. Devices that operate at the Network layer include routers and Layer 3 switches. 

4. The transport layer – It is the lowest layer and ensures that data is transferred transparently between computers on a network and provides an end-to-end view. 

5. Session Layer- This layer provides remote logins and is used for various functions by different network operating systems (Novell, WindowsNT). 

6. Presentation Layer – The presentation layer is sometimes overlooked, yet it can help with data translation across apps. 

7. Application Layer – The application layer encompasses communication services like Telnet, FTP, and email, which include file transfer and message handling.