Question & Answer » English Questions » Write An Application To The Principal For Changing Section In 100 Words

Write An Application To The Principal For Changing Section In 100 Words

Write An Application To The Principal For Changing Section In 100 Words. 

What is an Application? 

An application is a formal letter that an individual sends to another individual who is in a position of authority. The Application is used in educational institutions, multi-national business platforms, legal firms, etc places. 

An application can be written or field for many reasons- for inquiry, complaint, inconvenience, or to propose any structural change or feedback. 

Write An Application To The Principal For Changing Section In 100 Words.


The Principal,

XYZ School,


Date – May 28, 2021

Subject – Application for changing section. 

Respected Miss/Sir,

I am ABC from grade 9 and my section currently is F.

With the medium of this application, I lay a formal request to you as I need a change in my section from F to A.

The reason why I ask for a change in my section is that all my previous batchmates are in section A and the subject teachers are familiar to me as they have taught me in the past. Being in section F is quite uncomfortable for me. I cannot concentrate in the lectures and am failing in adjusting to the new class environment. 

I hope you will take my request into consideration and help me by changing my section. 

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Class – 9, Section – F

Roll no. – 21