Question & Answer » English Questions » What is the Second and Third Form of the Verb for the Word Bring

What is the Second and Third Form of the Verb for the Word Bring


Brought is the 2nd verb form for the term bring (past tense). Brought is the 3rd verb form for the term bring (past participle).

Verb forms, and the verb component, are key features of the English language. “verb” comes from the Latin verbum, which means “word.” It derives its name from the fact that this is the most important part of a sentence. It’s a word describing action or it asserts something about a person or thing. Various verb forms are necessary to establish tense.

Before studying the tense – the core of the English language, every learner of this most frequently used global language must first grasp the three forms of verbs – the very first form of the verb or the main verb, the 2nd form of such verb or the past form of the vebr, and the third version of the verb or the past participle form of the verb – and how they are utilised.


I bring news. (1st form)

I brought my guitar along with me. (2nd form)

I had brought my sister with me. (3rd form)