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What Is the Opposite Gender of Gentleman

What is the opposite gender of a Gentleman? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customized for students.

What Is the Opposite Gender of Gentleman? 

The phrase “gentlemen” is the male equivalent of the term “lady,” which is often reserved for usage when referring to women. The term “lady” is typically reserved for use when referring to women. When addressing a certain group of individuals in a public environment, it is polite to refer to them as “ladies and gentlemen.” 

This is because it is considered to be proper etiquette. This is because following these guidelines is generally acknowledged to be proper etiquette. In addition, the terms “ladies and gents” are used on the signs that direct women and men to the facilities that have been constructed exclusively for them to use in public situations. These facilities include restrooms and changing rooms. The stalls in these facilities are sectioned off so that males and females can use them alone. These restrooms are separate from those available to the general public and can be utilized by anybody present at the location where they are located.