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What is the Abstract Noun of Laugh

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Q. What Is the Abstract Noun Of Laugh?

Ans. Laughter is the abstract noun of a laugh. The meaning of this word is as close to the act of expressing happiness in overt forms as possible. Joyousness and elated feelings are closely related to laughter. At times, it is said that laughter is the best medicine. This is because happy hormones are released in the body by the mere act of laughing. Such an overt act may or may not have a natural cause. 

Laughter and laugh can both be used in unique sentences. “The baby was excited to hear his laugh” is an example of the latter. For considering sentences on the abstract noun of laugh, it is essential to look at it from a wider perspective. “Amidst the laughter all around, Rita began to cry” – this example serves the purpose well. It is well understood from both perspectives. 

As far as abstract nouns are concerned, these are types of nouns that do not have any tangible component. In other words, these cannot be felt by the human body’s five senses. For example, 

  • One cannot touch laughter

  • One cannot smell laughter

  • One cannot see the innate act of laughter with naked eyes

  • One cannot feel the sensation of laughter on the skin

Also, a noun that does not indicate any connection with irregular verbs is an abstract noun. 

At times, it is an issue of contention whether laughter itself is a verb or noun. Though authorities in English have always tried to soothe this debate, it is quite difficult to ascertain the same as per usage. Once the skirmish is established, this and many similar nouns can be used easily in daily sentences. Laughter and laugh are also considered happy words unless describing an evil laugh. The adverb plays an important role in most cases.