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What is the Abstract Noun of Beautiful

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What is the Abstract Noun of Beautiful?

Answer: Beauty

Note: The abstract noun of the beautiful is beauty. It is a general type of abstract noun because you can not touch or hold beauty. It just can be felt and seen by you, so it is an abstract noun.

Beauty is the noun that shows the quality state or property of being “which that satisfies only through being sensed”. Apart from this, the beauty is that which is gorgeous, attractive, pleasing, or fair looking; comeliness. If all the facts are included in a person then you can say that Someone is beautiful.

What is an Abstract Noun?

The abstract noun denotes a state, idea, and special quality like happiness, danger, and truth. It demonstrates intangible thoughts. The abstract noun is used to refer to things which cannot be held or touched, but can be felt and smelt. Words like time, loveliness, science, love, etc. are all abstract nouns. It’s all the things that you can’t feel, touch or see.

Following are the examples of the abstract nouns, which are listed below:

  • Truth

  • Childhood

  • Beauty

  • Happiness

  • Sadness

  • Bravery

  • Wisdom

  • Honesty

  • Old-age

  • Goodness, Love, inquisitiveness, heartache, brilliance, chaos, friendship, etc.  

What is a Definition of Beautiful?

The general definition of the word beautiful is a compelling aesthetic pleasure, excellent, generally pleasing, having qualities of beauty, etc. all these are the definitions of the beautiful. The abstract noun of the word “beautiful” is “beauty”. Because you can not feel, touch, smell, it.