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The Collective Noun for Card is

The Collective Noun for Card is (a)Bouquet (b)House of Decks (c)Packet of Cards (d)Range. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customized for students.

Q. The Collective Noun for Card is (a)Bouquet (b)House of Decks (c)Packet of Cards (d)Range

Ans:- The collective noun for Card is Deck of Cards or Peck of Cards. 

Now let’s understand what a collective noun is. A collective noun is basically a naming noun used to name a couple or number of things, places, animals, humans, or objects. One thing one keeps in mind whenever using a collective noun in any sentence is to use the right form of verbs in the sentences. However, there’s another definition available of collective nouns. 

According to the Collins Dictionary, a collective noun is nothing but a noun like a family or a team is considered in a group of people or things that is a collective noun. On the other side as per the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a collective noun is referred to as a noun such as a team or a flock which is in a group of people or things is a collective noun. For example, following words are collective nouns, army, band, troupe, troop, crew, Team, panel or branch, Packet, Range, Bushel, bench, bunch, pack, mob, colony, pride, flock, fled, herd, shoal, swarm, Delegation, Panel, Grove or forest, and many more.