Question & Answer » English Questions » She __ in Chennai Since She was Eight

She __ in Chennai Since She was Eight

She ___ in Chennai Since She Was Eight. Select the Correct Answer. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customised for students.

Q. She ______  in Chennai Since She Was Eight. Select the Correct Answer.

She has been living in Chennai Since She Was Eight. 

Here we have selected `has been living’ instead of `have been living’. 

Have been and has been are verb constructions that are used in the present perfect tense and the present perfect progressive tense.

Present Perfect Tense 

The present perfect tense identifies an action or a state that occurred at some undetermined point in the past.

  • For example, We have talked before. 

Have/Has + the past participle fall under this tense category. This tense. The forms are present because they use the present tense of the auxiliary verb have, and they are perfect because they utilise that auxiliary with the main verb’s past participle. 

Present Perfect Progressive Tense

The present perfect progressive expresses a continuous action that began in the past and continues into the present, past or started in the past and continued to the present day (e.g., he has grown impatient over the last hour). It emphasises the action’s duration or course. 

  • For example, I have been waiting for you since 10 am.

We would use have been when the sentence subject is I, you, we, or the third person plural (the children have been studying grammar all morning; they have been studying all morning).

If the sentence subject is a third-person singular noun (he, she, it, Courtney), we will use the phrase has been.

Since the sentence `She ______ in Chennai Since She Was Eight.’ has a third-person singular noun, `She’ we have used has been, and `living’ is an ongoing activity that started in the past and continues into the present, therefore has been living will be the correct answer.