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Select One Word for the Given Definition: A Person Who Believes in the Existence of God

Select One Word for the Given Definition: A Person Who Believes in the Existence of God

A theist refers to someone who believes in the existence of God.

A theist holds to the belief that there is at least one god. One’s belief in gods does not depend on the number of gods one believes in. This belief is not dependent on how one defines God. Beliefs are not defined by how they came into practice. It does not matter whether the believer defends his or her belief. Simply put, “theism” means believing in a god. According to theism, people believe in God as the creator and ruler of the universe, especially a God who was revealed to man as such. A derivative of theism is theistic, theistical (an adjective), and theistically (an adverb).

Theists are people who believe in the existence of at least one god, as theism is the belief in the existence of a god. This belief can be in the existence of one god or many gods. It is possible that they believe in gods who are transcendent of our universe or gods who dwell everywhere around us. They may believe that some gods actively help humanity, while some believe that other gods do not care about humanity.

Through the millennia, theism has taken numerous forms: monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, and numerous others that few people know about. The different types of theism must be understood, not just for the sake of understanding the religious systems in which they appear, but also to appreciate the creativity and variety that are characteristic of theism as a whole.