Question & Answer » English Questions » Identify the Feminine Form of the Noun: Horse

Identify the Feminine Form of the Noun: Horse

Identify the feminine form of the noun:- horse A. She horse B. Mare C. Horses D. Horse. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customized for students.

Identify the feminine form of the noun:- horse A. She horses B. Mare C. Horses D. Horse            

Usually a common noun can refer to both the female and male sex. However, in English, we employ gender-based grammatical rules. Gender nouns can be of three types. These are male, female and neuter gender nouns. The pronouns we employ with these nouns are he, she, it, etc. The possession determiners in English are denoted by gendered pronouns like his, her, and its. 

A mare is a horse’s feminine form. The remaining options are inaccurate since no terms like she-horse, horses, or horses exist.

Therefore, the correct answer will be option B) Mare.