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Identify the Feminine form of the Noun: Gentleman

Identify the feminine form of the noun: Gentleman.- Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Identify the Feminine form of the Noun: Gentleman

There are three types of gndered nouns in the English language. They are masculine, feminine and neuter gender nouns.

A lot of nouns refer to people’s roles and occupations but do not hint at the gender, such as a cousin, teenager, teacher, doctor, student, friend, and coworker. 

The term “man,” which refers to a male, is a masculine noun, whereas the word “woman” refers to a female. The feminine gender is typically associated with nouns whose endings are -ess or -ress.

Lady – This term does not have any grammatical errors. This is the proper feminine version of the term ‘gentleman’.