Question & Answer » English Questions » Identify the Feminine Form of a Noun: Sheep

Identify the Feminine Form of a Noun: Sheep

Identify the feminine form of a noun: sheep (a) sheep (b) ewe (c) sheepess (d) she-sheep. – find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customised for students.

H1: Identify the feminine form of a noun: sheep – English

(a) sheep 

(b) ewe

(c) sheepess 

(d) she-sheep.

Answer: option (b) ewe

This is correct because the feminine form of the noun “sheep” is Ewe.

  • The feminine noun form is the feminine form of the word, and the masculine noun form is the masculine form of the word

  • These grammatical genders are a way to classify nouns 

  • Grammatic gender is a way to classify nouns as masculine or feminine

  • Examples of masculine nouns are boys, men, siblings, and male animals

Examples of feminine nouns include girls, sisters, women, and female animals. Some nouns can be used as both male and female. These are called common sex nouns. Examples: babies, children, friends, dancers, cousins, etc.