Question & Answer » English Questions » Identify the Feminine Form of a Noun: Nephew

Identify the Feminine Form of a Noun: Nephew

Identify the feminine form of a noun: nephew a. she-nephew b. nephewess c. niece d. nephewette Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Identify the feminine form of a noun: nephew

a. She-nephew

b. Nephewess

c. Niece 

d. Nephewette

The feminine form of a noun represents the noun’s counterpart in the female gender. One example of this would be an actress for the male noun actor.

The term “masculine noun” refers to any noun that ends in a suffix that is considered to be masculine. An actor is a great illustration of this type of profession.

The male child of a brother or sister is referred to as a “nephew” in the question because the noun “nephew” is used in the sentence. We will look for an option that portrays the feminine form of this noun in an authentic manner.

  • She-nephew: In the context of the English language, the phrase “she nephew” is completely irrelevant. Because of this, selecting this alternative is not the best choice.

  • Nephewess is an incorrect use of the word; a better choice would be niece. The English language does not have a word with that meaning. Because of this, selecting this alternative is not the best choice.

  • Niece: A person’s sister or brother’s daughter is referred to as their “niece” when using the noun form of the word. This is the feminine form of the noun that is commonly referred to as a “nephew.” Consequently, this is the option that should be chosen.

  • Nephewette: The incorrect word that you have used is “nephewette.” The English language does not have a word with that meaning. Because of this, selecting this alternative is not the best choice.

Therefore, the answer that is correct is Niece.