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How would you Assess Griffin as a Scientist

How would you assess Griffin as a scientist? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customised for students.

Q -How would you assess Griffin as a scientist? 

Ans:- Griffin was a very hardworking, brilliant, but the weird little scientist who was on the way of discovering a medicine that could make a man invisible to all the eyes but his own, even if he was without any clothes. Many people had issues with him, given his weird and irrational behaviour; one amongst them was his landlord, who had all the worldly irritation from Griffin.

Although considered brilliant, he was a lawless scientist and always held a grudge against his landlord. 

He swallowed certain rare drugs that made him as transparent as a sheet of glass, giving him a naughty plan to take revenge on his landlord. He planned to set fire to his house, for which he had to become invisible and get away without being caught. After this incident, he happened to cause unrest at a clothes mall, ransacked the things at the theatrical centre at Drury Lane and, while lodging at a local Inn at Iping, stole money from the owner’s drawer, all without being caught as he was invisible.

All these narratives give us the idea that Griffin was indeed a lawless, eccentric and selfish person as well as a Scientist because he had used his study for unconventional methods and created problems for others rather than helping them.